Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year’s Day 2009

Happy New Year’s Day to all. May your wildest dreams come true this upcoming year, as long as they don’t interfere with mine.

I normally don’t do New Year’s resolutions but I’ve decided to break this habit this year just for fun. Here are my resolutions for the year 2009 (in no particular order):

1) Take over the world

2) Win the lottery (multiple times is best)

3) Learn to ice skate

4) Stay away from sea monkeys, because they apparently are not my friends

5) Wake up no later than 8 am every day

6) Win the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest, or at least the Lyttle Lytton Contest

7) Go to church every Sunday

8) Make a good pun, simile, or allusion once in a while

9) Become a beast at Guitar Hero or Rock Band, perhaps become good enough to be one of those people who videotape their games and post them on YouTube and get tens (some hundreds!) of views

10) Take care of my nanazoid

I get the feeling that my success rate will be very low this year but I will be optimistic. If all of the above fail to be accomplished I hope to at least become really really good looking, as opposed to really good looking (which I am right now). That’s right, I’m shallower than swash on a day when the wind is a one on the Beaufort scale. Okay, so I was kidding about being shallow but no one can argue that I’m stunning.

Again, I wish you all a very happy New Year’s Day and a year to come that is full of laughs and happiness.
